1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Who We Are 1.2 Mission Statement 1.3 Testing Protocols 1.4 Test Documentation 1.5 Company Histories 1.6 Principal Engineers 2. Roadholding Testing 2.1 Tests Offered 2.1.1 Definitions 2.1.2 Control Response Tests 2.1.3 Handling Tests 2.1.4 Rollover Tests 2.1.5 Additional Testing Services 2.2 Test Sites 2.3 Data Recording 2.3.1 Data Channels Usually Recorded 2.3.2 Transducers 2.4 Specialized Test Equipment 2.4.1 Data Acquisition System 2.4.2 Programmable Steering Machine 2.5 Rollover Resistance Test Evaluation 2.5.1 Overview 2.5.2 NHTSA vs ATI Protocols 2.5.3 The "Hump Problem" 2.5.4 J-Turn 2.5.5 Resonant Steer 2.5.6 Roll Behavior Near Tip-Up Threshold 2.6 Schedule of Rates and Charges 2.7 Terms and Conditions of Agreement
3. ATI Chassis Lab Services 3.0 "Topsy" - The Heitz Chassis Parameter Measurement Facility (See PDF Document below - "The Topsy Story') 3.1 Measurement Services Currently Offered 3.1.1 Inertial Measurements 3.1.2 Chassis Compliances 3.1.3 Ride/Roll Spring Rates and Kinematics 3.1.4 Steering System 3.2 Measurement Methodologies 3.3 Specification of Kinematics and Compliance Tests 3.4.1 Standard/Nonstandard Conditions 3.4.2 Equations Fitted to Plotted Data 3.4.3 Choice of Data to be Plotted 3.4.4 Organization of Data Plots 3.4 Quotations 3.7 Rates and Charges 3.8 Terms and Conditions of Agreement
4. Heitz Test Automation 4.1 The Sprint 3 Programmable Steering Machine 4.2 Reserved - New Equipment
5. Heitz Reports and documentation - PDF documents only 5.1 The Topsy Story "Topsy - A Modular Chassis Parameter Measurement System"
5.2 The Heitz Programmable Steering Machine Sprint 1 machine described in "A Programmable Steering Machine for Vehicle Handling Tests"
5.3 Sprint 3 Brochure A description of our current steering machine.
5.4 Specifications for the ATI Rollover Test Protocols ATI's current protocols.
5.5 The Hump in Roll Rate Feedback: Source and Countermeasures ATI Report 030112
5.6 Tire Shoulder Wear in Repetitive Rollover Testing ATI Report 111901
5.7 On-Road Rollover Testing: Outrigger Height and Data Filtering ATI Report 011500 Revised 01/30/02
5.8 The Design of ATI's Outriggers ATI Report 30130
5.9 Stock EPROMs for NCAP Testing NCAP TESTING Heitz Tech Memo 30213
The full text of everything contained in this website is also available for download in Adobe Acrobat PDF format on our Download Page.
Steering machine software is also available for download on our Download Page.
Click here for directions & maps from Newark Airport and Philadelphia Airport to Heitz.HEITZ AUTOMOTIVE TESTING, LLC
PHONE: (609) 466-2071
e-mail: ati@atiheitz.com
Last modified 10/10/2022